Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All the ads in the world

The belief is that computers will bring us together is a way that no other way will. Its an idea, a thought, and sometimes a misconception. But can we really come up to all of these levels that the average mind has in store for us?It is even stated by Cynthia Selfe, in her article "Lest we think a revelotion is are revelotion" "In fact, we find ourselves, as a culture, ill equiped to cope with the changes that the "global village" story neccassitiates, unable, even, to imagine, collectivly, ways of relating to the world outside our previous historical and cultural experineces." Trying to keep up with technololgy is the easy part, but trying to tell ourselves that we are all equal on the internet is even easier, but trying to put that idea into pracitice is the hard part. It scares us that we are all equal in some way, shape or form, and thats because of the prejudice that has been going on for so long in our world. Cynthia Self brings up many different addvertisements in her article "Lest we think the Revelton is a Revelution., on page 299 we see one of the many ariticles that she brings up is one with a picture of a women in a rainforest nursing a human child and a monkey on the other breast. This picture is supporting a piece of softwear to sell. It takes us far away from the world that we know, and far away from relatity. It shows us something that we have never seen and draws us in, makes us want to bye it, it tells us if we own this we are helping people like this, but we arnt really. There are thousands more of articles like this in the world, they may not be as extreme like that, but we dont always see them representing "our world and the world we live in. Even Cythinia Selfe mentions this, " Americans, in these four ads, you'll notice, go almost unrepresented in terms of images. Instead Americans are the canny and sophisticated minds behind the tesxt, behid the image, behind the technology." (298-299) We dont put oursleves on these ads, we make these ads for these technologys, which we sell to people like us. When it comes to soemething like this we become very narrowminded and dont really care or put alot of thought into it. We dont really help anyone but the company we are byeing this product from. It circulates in a giant circle and the picture on the ad really has nothing to do with it but catch our eye.

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