Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Summary of Cynthia Selfe's "Lest We Think the Revolution is a Revolution"

Isaac Shantz-Kreutzkamp

English 100



Using the example of a still frame of a woman elegantly dressed in extensive jewelery and a black dress staring at a computer monitor; a robot applying lipstick to it's metallic features and staring into a mirror; Cynthia attempts to portray how the advertisements are attempting to show us how great and forward-thinking their products are, but require tapping into a tradition of stereotypes and gender inequality. (309-315)

The picture of a smiling woman with the caption "Irma Speaks Fluent Internet" seems to provoke a progressive outlook, but it pigeonholes women into the role of secretaries, as a secretary in the 1950s might have spoken french, they now are thought to be required to speak "Internet". (311, 308)