Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reflection of Selfe

As Americans we see our selves at the fore front of technology. We imply that with technology we can change the world. In an article written by Cynthia Selfe, Selfe tell how with advertisements we try to sell technology as giving to the global village. We use pictures of exotic natives from other land to sell products, by showing how that company is helping the less fortunate in becoming more advanced with technology. By buying from that company you are helping alleviate racial and class discrimination. In one part of Selfe’s article she says how “Americans are the smart ones who use technological expertise to connect the worlds people” (295) In this thought that we can unify the world with technology and put everyone on equal ground. It’s a nice thought but their will never be a time where everyone will be on equal ground. Someone will always be smarter then others, as well as wealthier and have better jobs. This is how the world works. If it wasn’t then everyone would have the same stuff and their wouldn’t be room for innovation or to excel in life. Will technology bring the world together? Doubtful but it’s a start. We as Americans like the thought though. That we are the ones that are going to unite the world. But for now we will just buy products that advertise that a portion of their profits from the sale will go to help a less fortunate land improve their technology.(296) In this we fill better about our selves filling the pockets of the corporate deities.

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