Friday, January 22, 2010

Coca Cola Christmas Arctic Beach Party

This Coca Cola Christmas commercial starts off with a family of Polar bears that were sleeping then all of a sudden they heard a loud noise coming from the foot hills. They found a big group of penguins having a holiday party, doing the domino and dancing to the song of Little Saint Nick. The party was interrupted when a baby polar bear slides down in the middle of the group in accident. Then came out a baby penguin carrying a bottle of Coca Cola and gave it to the baby polar bear. After drinking the bottle of Cola the family was invited to the party and they all had a happy and joyous night.

In this Holiday commercial, it showed animals acting like humans by dancing and drinking Coca Cola. This ad uses family values and cute furry animals to engage their audiences especially families to sell their product. People can relate to this commercial as it shows Christmas as a happy and joyous occasion that brings families together. It also shows the audience that it is the same feeling that Coca Cola brings. The commercial showed in the end the penguins and the polar bear partying together and it emphasizes that Christmas is the time to set all of our differences aside and celebrate this wonderful holiday as one. One aspect that this commercial focused on is sharing. One last thing about this commercial is that penguins live in the Antarctic and polar bears are from the Arctic regions.

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