Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dove - Evolution Commercial

The commercial I chose to watch was short and to the point. It was a video of a normal looking, middle-aged, woman doing a photoshoot. It took us through the whole process; make up, hair, lighting, and taking the photos. After the shot had been taken, the commercial showed us photoshop and how you can change anyone's face to look exactly how you want it. This woman's neck was elongated, her eyes were raised, cheek bones altered, and her face made to look slimmer. The end of the commercial is this normal, average looking, woman's altered image on a bilboard advertising a make up to wear. The commercial then says, "No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted."
This commercial is a great example of Schole's article on video text because at first it shows you a normal looking woman, someone you can relate to. She has achne, she has flaws, she is in no way perfect. This draws you into the commercial because she is someone you can relate to. Then the commercial continues on to show what society says you should look like, by distorting her face and figure, in order to be considered beautiful. This part of the commercial corresponds to Schole's opinion because it ties the message of the commercial into our society and clearly shows what the point of the commercial is intended to be. What our society considers beautiful and normal, is actually nearly impossible to acheive and is actually abnormal. The women seen in magazines may not even look like that in real life, but the way we advertise makes young woman feel that is what they should like. This commercial is going against this typical way of thinking and showing us that our perception of beauty is distorted, such as this woman's main features were in this video.
Dove is known for their commercials and advertisements showing how distorted our societies prospective of beauty is. This particular ad drew me in because, like I said, it is something I felt I could really relate to. What teen girl doesn't think something is wrong with them? Or what teen age girl doesn't want to look like all the women they see in the magazines? This commercial makes the viewer feel that moment of empowerment. They feel as though they don't have to look like that. Dove is trying to give their viewers this feeling of self beauty and tries to change peoples distorted views of what beauty "should be."

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