Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The ad I watched was by dove and is is one of the many "dove vidoes" that are out there. I watched a couple of them before deciding on this one. This one drew me in becuase it focuses on one of the things i absoultly hate about our society today and that is girls thinking thinking that they are just not pretty enough. This one though focuses on very little girls, rangeing from about 4-5 years old. They are all very adorable. It goes through many different clips of these little girls. The first one that pops up is a little girl with a red shirt and brown curly hair that kinda comes out and then the a text comes up that says that she wished she was blonde, the next one we see is a clip is of a little girl with lovlely brown locks running all the way down her back,and cute little dimples and the text that pops up says that she dosnt like her curls. The next clip is of dove hair shine and the text that pops up says" bye me." Next we see another little girl all dressed in white and possed for this picture and it says "she thinks shes fat" (and by looking at her she is by no means fat!) The clip we see next is a little girl in a cute summer dress and she is very white and she wishes she were tan. We now once again switch from little girls to summer glow body lotion that says" bye me!" Then a white screen that says lets change their minds. This ends with the words dove! help us raise money bye our products.

When i found this i had to watch it a couple of times and think about it because this one really caught my attention. The first thing I thought is ooo its soooo horrible that kids at such a younge age already think of themselves as fat or they wish they had strieght hair instead of curls. The next major thing that caught my attention when i watched it again was the words bye me whenever it would switch to a dove product. So i watched it again and to me it seemed like that the more dove you bought, the more you made a little girl think better about herself. But then I thought, how is raising money making kids happy? If it goes towards programes yes, im all for that but why exactly dont they say that in the commercial? Why dont they tell us more about what this is going towards. Another thing that this commerical could be implying is that if we bye their product then that will make us, the byer, a happier person because we are not only helping ourselves, but helping other people. But this is not very true. I dont use dove personally, but if i did then i dont belive that i would feel like I helped make a little girls day by telling her that she is beuatiful or my own. Yes, money may help girls and many others around the world, but something that we dont think about is that were just making the dove company even more richer by byeing more of their product. The dove product also like the body shimmer I mentioned above is also a product for making us feel beutiful. It is very simple to donate these products to girls in hopes that they will feel better about themselves. Just giving someone something like that probably wont do much good, it takes more than that to give someone comfidence...espeally a little girl


  1. The ad hopes that viewers will surrender to buying the Dove product and helping Kids be themselves. This ad addresses a problem we have in society were children aren't happy with their own physical appearance.

  2. ..But this ad seems to say that by buying this product that kids will likely be comfortable being themselves. This may or may not be true, but it sells the product.

  3. It trying to get the audience to feel sorry for the girls who are sad because they don't like their hair and they claim dove will cure that.
