Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scholes summary

Robert Scholes essay on reading a video text focuses on the way people view things like commercial advertisements. In his essay, he focuses on a budweiser commercail which puts its main focus on the american dream. Scholes points out different aspects of this video text and how it reaches out to many American people in search of the American dream. One of his main points in this article was that video text is extremely important, and in order for it to reach out and influence people, it has to relate to the audience in same way or another. Having a good cultural knowledge about the audience, will help sell the product. For example, in the commercial that Scholes is working with, the people making the commercail made references to baseball. Baseball is a the american sport, so they used that in the video text to portray that when you watch baseball, you should have a Budweiser beer in hand. The main thing in this text that stood out to me was the part when he was talking about it doesn’t matter how good the product is, as long as you have the power to sell, then the product will sell. I completely agree with that statement, I am greatly influenced by commercials that I see or adds that I see on a daily basis and if the producers of the advertisement take the right approach on engaging their audeience, they are way more likely to sell the product.

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