Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sample Ad Analysis by Mary


While analyzing this commercial I noticed how pepsi-max is not only advertising a product, but also fueling the cycle of consumerism by portraying mostly people at work. By focusing on workers this commercial reinforces values of industrialism prevalent in the united states, supporting the idea that we should strive to be hard workers despite fatigue or illness. It reveals how we place our identity in our jobs which in turn bolsters the economy, making rich people richer....

1 comment:

  1. This ad is hoping the viewer will surrender to the idea that if you don't have pepsi, you'll not feel awake and ready for your day. Also, the convenience of the product, pepsi with ginseng working on the consumer. Also, that with ginseng the product is healthy. This ad relates to the consumer because it appeals to the daily life--people at work, at the movies, etc.--stuff that regular people do. By representing all type of workers, it's showing it's a product for everybody. Some oppositions present in this commercial are happiness and cranky (pepsi or no pepsi), sleepy and awake/alert, productivity/laziness. The direct reflections of ideological values are...in order to be social, you should be energetic, and substances help you to be more social.
