Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ideological Criticism - Progressive Insurance

Nate Averna
January 20, 2010
English 100
Ideological Criticism

“Progressive” Criticism

No longer must people wait in long, bleak, time consuming lines, hoping that someone will drop out to speed the process up. The internet has become the new way to shop for things, no longer do lines restrict ones transaction- only the speed of ones internet connection. The internet, among other things, has become another tool for businesses to lour spectacle shoppers into their clutches. Advertisement has shifted dramatically in the last few decades and the internet has become another means for businesses, both big and small, to snatch up customers. Companies do this is many ways. Some find that a sense of humor sells their product best and other feel that a more elegant approach is necessary.
In the short commercial “Progressive Insurance”, found on YouTube, the company Progressive tries to sell car insurance to a wary customer. The beginning of the commercial is marked by a young man who is in need to car insurance. The sales lady indicates that there is a party in the shop, streamers and other party supplies are found sprinkled about the isles. The young man is looking to save money and the sales woman reassures him that he did in fact come to the right shop because progressive has helped millions of people find affordable car insurance. Both customer and sales woman express their happiness by playing slightly tone def cords on their party whistles. The sales woman, showing a personable side, goes off on a tone def tangent remarking that she wrote the song. The slightly bashful look on her face makes the viewers feel that she couldn't help but be excited for such an amazing savings.
This commercial directs its marketing at money pinching Americans who, by the looks of the people in the commercial, are a mix of blue collar and white collar working people. Also the commercial is directed in a more casual way, making the view feel that buying car insurance does not need to be a formal activity- anyone can do it at any time. This mantra is reinforced with the phone number and website both of which are visually appealing and concise. I would also say, Progressive does do a good job making the view/customer feel that they have some personality or easy going attitude. This is also seen by the people shopping for insurance as if it where a loaf of bread, using grocery carts to make multiple selections. Over all Progressive did do a good job advertising and making a interesting commercial, next time you are thinking of buying car insurance, who will you choose?

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