Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pantene commercial

The commercial starts out without a hint of its intention or direction, just a heartwarming story of promise and inspiration. A little girl gazing up in admiration at violinist playing on the street, it’s a moving picture that inspires a hope that one day she will strive to play with the power and feeling the man standing in front of possesses. The commercial is a classic American tale of fighting to be great at what you desire, and in the end succeeding. The little girl from the street turns out to be deaf with little hope of mastering the instrument. She is tormented in school, ridiculed for attempting to play by feeling the music instead of hearing. The pain she feels is poured into her work and practice but the scorn of others gets to her; in attempt to fit the standard of social normative the little girl quits playing. Then at the last string of hope she runs into the older man who plays for people on the streets, he asked if she still plays, she looks up at him with big sorrowful eyes and asks in return, why can’t I just be like everyone else. The old man becomes her inspiration once again by persuading the girl to reach her potential and following her the whole way through. The girl fights through the struggle of school and ignoring her peers. The journey seems to end when right before her recital a rough gang surrounds her and breaks the girls violin. The show goes on with out the girl’s big coming out, and instead of her starting with her violin the girl who ridiculed her throughout her childhood ends the show with a bang. Until, right before the curtain closes the girl comes out at steals the stage. While she plays images of challenges she over came getting to this moment flash by, her hair is whirling around her in a majestic flow, and then as she concluded her piece the image of a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. Everyone stands and applauds; they feel the emotion that she released playing for them. Finally, the Pantene slogan appears and the girl’s success is explained by the use of their quality hair product and final quote “you can shine.”

The commercial gives the impression that everyone can succeed if it is their dream, and that Pantene can help you to reach these goals. The way that Pantene portrays their product was by paralleling it to the dream that inspires so many people to keep going when they lose hope, or to strive to reach those goals that are set just out of their reach. It is set as a symbol of hope and inspiration, love and courage.

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