Monday, January 25, 2010

Functionality That it Posseses

n Birkerts passage "The Owl Has Flown" his project is to elaborate to his audience that "reading and thinking are kindred operations" and tries to project his views that intensive reading leads to vertical thinking (depth, wisdom, and resonance) while he describes each of those terms, with the intentions that we will believe him and read the same books multiple times so that we can achieve enlightenment, be able to comprehend life and all of its laws and be able to break it down to see patterns.

passage:Resonance- there is no wisdom without it. Resonance is the natural phenomenon, the shadow of import alongside the body of fact, and it cannot flourish except in deep time.

I chose this passage over all others because Birkert doesn't really put the term resonance (the most difficult concept) in an easily understandable definition and the passage describes resonance and how it relates to wisdom, better than anywhere else in it. How resonance was clarified in this passage was when it states that resonance cannot flourish except for in deep time, so wisdom comes with the time you take to think about whatever it is that is on your mind. In his essay he states that resonance can only be found in therapists offices or churches in the modern world, but i would have to disagree because me and my friends discuss most of life collectively, and the other place i get resonance is when i am about to go to sleep recapping the day. the selected passage relates with the rest of the essay because it fits in with the theme of vertical thinking that is advocated by Birkert. This passage was important to understanding the rest of the essay because it is the bridge that connects the three most important ideas

This essay relates to other things (readings, disscussions, and videos) we have done in class because Birkert rejects the internet by relating it to horizontal thinking (which isnt wise deep, wise or leaving the people to resonate) and pretty much every other text dissagrees with this claim and acknoledges that the internet is the fastest growing technology with an infinite number of topics to research and provides a way to socially find depth, wisdom, and resonate with peers. I would have to agree with the all other texts portion of our class because I personally have used the internet to get detailed demonstrations of many ideas that no book could ever have taught me because of the functionality that it posseses. like the ability for other users to post what they think on a topic or add their own ideas.

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