Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scholes Essay

As I read Scholes essay, I found that it was particularly interesting to read the part where he ties in this commercial all the different American “themes” such as, how baseball symbolizes the American past time and how people need to make the right choices and follow the written rules of the game or life. He really goes into detail about how these things really relate to people in a big way and shows a new perspective on the game. The text goes through the commercial and how the ump had to go through the different levels to become the ump he wanted to be at the highest level. Scholes goes through the essay talking about how video texts are easy for people to see and relate to and can make some people think about certain things if that product or message relates to something going on in their life, and how this product can help change their life and make it better. In my opinion, the style of the essay is presented in a way of showing kind of a step by step process of the different steps the man went through to become an ump and how Scholes thinks those steps might symbolize. There are certain things that happen that symbolize working hard and never quitting till you get to where you want to be, and how making the right calls and being right with himself helps him get to the level he is trying to reach. Scholes really went into detail about this text, these are just some main points I saw when reading the passage.

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